Jackie says, “I love books with complicated plots and unexpected endings. What is your favourite book with a fantastic twist at the end?”
So, today’s question is in two parts.
1. Do YOU like books with complicated plots and unexpected endings? Honestly I do not like a complicated ending. Now there have been some complicated plots that I enjoy, but some I have not. It really depends on the mood I am in, sometimes I just want something simple that won’t make me think to hard.
2. What book with a surprise ending is your favorite? Or your least favorite? My Sister’s Keeper was both my favorite and least favorite. Favorite because it was truly so unexpected. Least favorite because of how sad it was.

You are the third person I have seen say My Sisters Keeper and I so agree!
My response is here
Many have chosen My Sister's Keeper. I read it so long ago and under time constraints and lack of caffeine I could not think of a book title, so I gave an example of sorts. My BTT: http://www.rundpinne.com/2010/01/booking-through-thursday-complicated.html
I loved My Sister's Keeper. I'm looking forward to watching the film. I've heard that they changed the ending, but I have no idea how, so that will be a surprise too!
Yes, I like book that has complicated plots and surprising ending. So far haven’t had a book that I really like based on such preference.
BTW, my blog is having a giveaway, feel free to participate.