It has been a while since I have done this MEME but since I am bringing back the Meme’s it is time to do this one as well. If your only here for the reviews..sorry scroll on down *wink*
This one is Hosted at the Booking through Thursday Blog.
This week it is asked:
Do you lend your books? Are any out on loan right now? Do you have any that have been loaned to you? Do you put a time limit on these? Do you think people should make an effort to read the loaned book quickly?
In general I do not lend out books, because I have a history of not getting them back. That said once in a while I will go ahead and lend one out. I have one lent out right now and it has been out for about 4 months. I suspect I won’t get it back too. I do feel that if you borrow a book from one especially if they let you know that it is one they have not read yet you should be timely about reading and returning. I mean the library has limits too right?

Yes I lend books – always to my mum and my daughter cos they always come back. I have about 7 others on loan to friends so hopefully ill get them back sometime, though its been a while. If I borrow a book I always read it quickly and return. I’ve lost quite a few books over the years lending too.
I only occasionally do this kind of thing…and I never lend books I haven’t read yet.
I do loan out books that I have already read. However, I draw the line with books I haven’t read yet. The library is one of my favorite places, but, one of the reasons I very seldom borrow a book is because of the time limit.
I haven’t been asked to loan books. I usually give the away instead. Here’s my full BTT Post On Lending Books
Agreed! I know people who don’t like the time limits at the library, but I am glad they have them. Here’s my Booking Through Thursday Post
Oh God, that has never happened to me. I think if I didnt get a book back I would flip out, and probably never lend again.
I totally agree with your answer.
Oh, don’t get me started on those who do not return the books. I have demanded people to return my books back. I nag them until they return it. My limit is a month and if you can’t read it, return them.
Here’s my Booking Through Thursday post
I love the library but I’m horrible at remembering to return the books on time. Although I always return them, I usually end up paying what they are worth in late fees. {lol}
Here’s my Booking Through Thursday post. 🙂