The northern hemisphere, at least, is socked in by winter right now… So, on a cold, wintry day, when you want nothing more than to curl up with a good book on the couch … what kind of reading do you want to do?
It depends on what kind of mood I am in, and what is going on. I usually do not want to read books that are specifically set in winter though. Mostly because I am already freezing and stuck in the snow so why do, I want to go there in my books too (on purpose). However, as far as genre it really does not matter what time of year it is, it is all about what I am in the mood for. I just finished a chic lit book and now I am onto something semi historical.

Oh yeah.It surely depends on mood a lot !
Heres mine :
Yes, I'm definitely a mood reader.
You'll find mine here.
I'm a mood reader, as well, regardless of season. I agree, though, that I can't do MORE cold when it;s cold outside!
Your answer is similar to mine. I'm a mood reader also.
Here is my answer.
Our answers are quite similar. My BTT:
Haha great answer! Mine is at The Crowded Leaf.
Amen to mood and amen to not reading about snowy days!! 😉 Makes me colder, too. Hmm…maybe I'll specifically look for tropical settings in books at the library today…
LOL, your like my husband, just thinking its cold makes it so. Here's Mine