Suggested by Vega:
Last Saturday (May 2nd) is Free Comic Book Day! In celebration of comics and graphic novels, some suggestions:
– Do you read graphic novels/comics? Why do/don’t you enjoy them?
– How would you describe the difference between “graphic novel” and “comic”? Is there a difference at all?
– Say you have a friend who’s never encountered graphic novels. Recommend some titles you consider landmark/”canonical”.
Sadly, I don’t have much to say to this weeks BTT. I don’t read graphic novels. I did used to read comics but that was a very long time ago. I mostly read the X-men comics. But once it branched into so many diffrent kinds of X-men I gave up trying to follow.

I never read the comic books, other than comic strip books, but I think I have The Watchmen on my wishlist. Comics always seemed like a boy-thing to me.
I don’t read a ton of graphic novels but I loved Epileptic by David B. It was incredible.
I’ve got some tips on my post about how to venture into the world of graphic novels, if you’re interested in doing so. I’m very much a literary fiction person myself, so I had to first get a glimpse into the artistry behind them and then I could appreciate them as a wholly separate type of art, rather than comparing them to novels (which helps me).
You can check out my post here.
I know what you mean about the branching out on X-Men. I first read it when I was seven, thanks to an cousin who was an avid collector. Later, I discovered Japanese comics and left behind Marvel. I still prefer manga though hehe.
@thekoolaidmom – try delving into Japanese comics (the English translated ones, of course). There’s a very big selection of works that’ll definitely change your mind about it being a boy thing 😀