The tale of Myranda Celeste, a young woman orphaned by a century long war, and her chance discovery of a fallen soldier’s priceless cargo. The find will change her life, sending her on an adventure of soldiers and rebels, wizards and warriors, and beasts both noble and monstrous. Each step will bring her closer to the truth of her potential, of the war, and of the fate of her world.
This is one of those books that I just really am not sure what I should say about it. The book was not bad by any means, but it also was not what I would call a good book. Overall for me this one just came up as a bit meh and forgettable, sorry if that sounds a little bit harsh but there we have it.
The first chapters of this book were very boring to me. There were many times in fact that I wanted to just delete it from my device and not worry about it any further. I am glad that I didn’t do that as I really am not a big fan of DNF but it does happen. This is a book that I am glad I finished, but beyond that I really just could not feel a connection with any of the characters. It just feels as if none of them really fully formed enough for me to like them or “feel them”. There were a great many errors in the book which does tend to happen a lot with self published work. I try not to judge authors for that because I know I don’t write perfectly and it is incredibly brave to put your work out there. However, in this instance it was bad enough for me that it began to interfere with reading the book. Myranda was not the character I hoped she would be, I just wanted to tell her to get with the program and light a fire under her butt.
So for me, I wouldn’t say to read it, but I also wouldn’t tell you not to read it, maybe you will like it better than I did. Perhaps characters get better fleshed out in later books, I am not sure I will carry on past this one to find out.
My Gemstone Rating:

I’m a bit confused… The book cover is for Select – but this isn’t the book you’re discussing, is it? My understanding is that the protagonist in that story is called Julia? I hope I’m not wrong – because I’m shortly going to be reading and reviewing Select.
Wrong cover but good review. There are always books that are almost good. Its hard to feel part of the story if you cant connect with the characters.
I love your blog, felt straight at home when I saw 4 of my favourite guys in the banner lol.
Yeah wordpress glitched on me the other day, clicking the cover took you to the right one but it was showing the wrong one LOL. All corrected now, hopefully. Thank you about the blog and welcome too! Hehehe I do strive to make people feel at home and who can resist some of their favorite guys? LOL