Within the brotherhood, Rhage is the vampire with the strongest appetites. He’s the best fighter, the quickest to act on his impulses, and the most voracious lover-for inside him burns ferocious curse cast by the Scribe Virgin. Owned by this dark side, Rhage fears the time when his inner dragon is unleashed, making him a danger to everyone around him.
Mary Luce, a survivor of many hardships is unwittingly thrown into the vampire world and reliant to Rhage’s protection. With a life-threatening curse of her own, Mary is not looking for love. She lost her faith in miracles years ago. But when Rhage’s intense animal attraction turns into something more emotional, he knows that he must make Mary his alone. And while their enemies close in, Mary fights desperately to gain life eternal with the one she loves.

The second book in the series of the Black Dagger Brotherhood and I have to say the series is getting better. While I really get bored with the chapters are partial chapters on the lessers and the omega I think it may be just because I get so into the stories that the Brothers are having and do not want to be interrupted with that stuff.
Rhage was my favorite from the first book, I was eager and curious to know more about him and how he got his curse. The book did not disappoint in teaching us what happened, and how he handled his monster. That on first look Rhage is not what he appears to be. The love story of Rhage and Mary is sweet, touching and truly a joy to read. Two people with a lot of baggage learning that they do not have to carry it alone.