Musing Mondays is a weekly meme that asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer:
I’m currently reading…
Up next I think I’ll read…
I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
I can’t wait to get a copy of…
I wish I could read ___, but…
I blogged about ____ this past week…
This week’s random question: What is one over-hyped book that you’ve heard so much about but strongly dislike?
This is one of those questions I usually avoid because people can be very passionate about it. I know I can be passionate about it, because when I love a book even if it has hype, I love a book. That being said, I must of course answer my question this week, since I chickened out last week, lol.
One book that has been so hyped up that I really just can’t stand is Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail by Cheryl Strayed. The movie looked good when it came out and since I took the pledge to read before I watch, of course I got a copy of the book. I really wish I had not. The movie wasn’t fantastic either, but better than the book. I don’t understand the hype at all. The book is boring, it is very clear she did not do as much walking on the trail as she claimed and she made me not like snapple lemonade which was one of my favorite lemonades. I have to stop myself from going on more now, LOL I really am passionate about not liking the book. I don’t hold back much in my review about it either. So how about you?