Wicked Wednesday #4

Wicked Wednesday a place to be wicked to other book readers and make them get those TBR piles growing. The concept is simple. Pick a book or two and tell s about them. If its one you read tell us what you liked. If its one you found tell us about that to. Than leave a comment to let us know where to find your Wicked Wednesday titles. Make sure to link back in your posts for other people to follow Wicked Wednesday.

My selection for this week is a book I wouldn’t have picked up myself. But it was suggested to me, and I will be reading it at some point. I hope you might as well.

He had drawn the curtains tightly around his soul…
could he trust that glimmer of hope quietly beckoning to him?

Ben Buckley has never gotten over the loss of his wife. More bewildering than the mystery surrounding her death is the radical change that occurred in her shortly beforehand–a “conversion,” she had called it. Baffled, angry, and still feeling guilty for the way he’d withdrawn from her during those final weeks, Ben now lives behind the protective walls of severed relationships and rigid routines.

An unlikely young woman knocks on the door of his narrow world. Her simple honesty and childlike faith are incomprehensible to him, but in spite of his misgivings Ben finds himself on a journey he never would have begun on his own.

Wicked Wednesday #3

Wicked Wednesday a place to be wicked to other book readers and make them get those TBR piles growing. The concept is simple. Pick a book or two and tell s about them. If its one you read tell us what you liked. If its one you found tell us about that to. Than leave a comment to let us know where to find your Wicked Wednesday titles. Make sure to link back in your posts for other people to follow Wicked Wednesday.

I found this one while watching Kathie Lee and Hoda yesterday morning. I love them. Sometimes I think my insomnia keeps me awake just to see them. But this book looks interesting to me.

From Publishers Weekly: Birds do it, bees do it, but why do humans do it? In this wide-ranging look at the evolutionary reasons for sex, physiologist and evolutionary biologist Moalem says that it’s all about shuffling the gene pool and getting rid of any unwelcome guests, such as viruses, that may have latched onto human DNA. But why is one particular person attracted to another? Moalem relays the latest research showing that smell plays a very important role in attraction, and that even our genes may influence one’s smell, and thus a person’s desirability, to others. Scientists have found that women tend to be attracted to different types of men at different points in their ovulation cycles (dark and handsome hunks at their height; sensitive, care-giving types at other times). Moalem (Survival of the Sickest) whizzes through his discussion of homosexuality, neglecting angles that would have added to the book, but readers will find thought-provoking material in his chapter on differences in sexual anatomy and on how chromosomes and body parts aren’t always what we expect them to be. Moalem writes fluidly for the general reader, and when he necessarily goes into graphic detail, he does it gracefully. (May)
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

My first interview coming up.

Oh my oh my! I am very happy right now. When I woke up from my less than satisfying sleep I found a reply to an email I sent to author Candice Hern. She has agreed to let me interview her for the blog. So my very first interview will be with the wonderful Author Candice Hern! Wish me luck in coming up with some good questions to ask her. I am very excited.

My Fellow Minnesotans

Have you ever had one of those days when you shake your head and laugh your hiney off? I have, It turns out 2 authors I have come to enjoy 2 very recently are all from Minnesota! I never would have known or paid much attention until I went to their websites. They are all historical writers to. I wonder how much serendipity that is? It makes me giggle to be sure. So Bravo to my fellow Minnesotans! Candice Hern, Julie Klassen and Nancy Moser (ok After the fact Edit. Nancy Moser is from Kansas. Close enough though hehe. Her publisher is still a MN based one).

Wicked Wednesday #2

Wicked Wednesday a place to be wicked to other book readers and make them get those TBR piles growing. The concept is simple. Pick a book or two and tell s about them. If its one you read tell us what you liked. If its one you found tell us about that to. Than leave a comment to let us know where to find your Wicked Wednesday titles. Make sure to link back in your posts for other people to follow Wicked Wednesday.

So here is my pick for this week’s Wicked Wednesday. It is my next book up to read and I have heard some great things about it. I hope you think about it and think about reading it.
So Share with me..whats your Wicked Wednesday thought? What book will you tempt me to read?

Friday Finds: #7

Okay so I was watching The Today Show, and Heard about this book. I promptly went out and added it to all of my Wish lists! So my Friday Find Is:

“Sometimes I lock myself in the bathroom.”

“I put an educational DVD on so I could have sex. It wasn’t with my husband.”

Romi Lassally provides a judgment-free zone where women can reveal their mommy misdemeanors. From not feeling like cleaning up vomit in the middle of the night, to barking something completely inappropriate to the children, to wanting to be pawed by hands that aren’t covered in jelly, the confessions pour in daily.

Heartfelt and hilarious, naughty and nasty, frank and outrageous, the confessions culled together for this book represent the best—or the worst?—of those humbling hidden secrets of motherhood in all its glorious messiness as improvisation and triage. They dare to suggest that it’s okay for moms to make mistakes, to have unkind thoughts, to publicly or privately embarrass themselves—and above all to be human.

About the Author
Romi Lassally is the co-creator of the popular website and the founding editor of the Lifestyles section of The Huffington Post

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