Happy Sunday to everyone and I hope that yours is going well. I have had another one of those weeks where I feel like I am behind on everything. You see I tend to schedule my posts in advance usually I will use a Sunday or Monday to do this, I can’t do all of them but I can do a lot of them. Alas this week I just did not seem to get any of them scheduled and that left me feeling lagging and slow behind. Hopefully this week will be better as far as that goes!
On a reading level the week was also a bit poor I read one very short little novella. It counts of course and it is better then many do but it leaves me feeling a little bit like “Oh you bad reader you!”. One of my goals for the year is not to beat myself up over the small stuff so I am going to try not to and just roll with it. Today as a Sunday is going to be a day for reading (I hope) at least in-between some of my busy projects. For most Sunday is a day of rest it never tends to be for me, it is a day of get a bunch of stuff ready and prepped for the week. Ah the joys of being self employed!
On that note I am going to leave you all with a little bit of Fire…for a Sunday which is going to be cold for many, the blog is after all called Fire and Ice right? 😉