Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, the weekly Meme that wants you to add books to your TBR! You can also just share what you are currently reading. We make it very easy to play along, it is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1: Grab your current read 2: Open to a random page
3: Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.
Ambrosia’s little note:
Happy Teaser Tuesday everyone.I hope your reads are good. Thank you for the understanding about me being gone for a it. Funny how things happen sometimes. I mentioned my kitties have been looking for the dogs too. Well Maverick darted out the door one day last week. He had never ever so much as show interested in the door let alone bolt when I was grabbing a package. Felt like he ran forever while I was following and crying and begging him to come back. Several blocks later he zoomed Into a yard and plopped down.
I was still bawling and scooped him up and crushed him to me while yelling at him. Home owner came out as they saw me on their cameras. I apologized for being in the yard and such and told him what happened. He told me to to worry and let him know if there was anything I could do. I off handed said unless you have one or two kitty friendly pitties probably not ( I then also explained why I felt Maverick bolted.) Then he said…well actually.
Long story cut shorter, he and his wife rescued a Pittie from a very very bad situation. Outside all the time, former owner kept trying to dump her in the desert you name it. They didn’t know when they took her she was pregnant..They didn’t know what to do with all the puppies they just did know they didn’t want to take them to the over full shelter. Shelter isnt safe for babies anyways.
So Maverick picked himself out a pair of puppies LOL Dean & Sammie a boy and a girl (ill do photos when they sit sort of still). Maverick hasn’t left their sides since he picked them out. The other kitties aren’t in love yet but they Dom’t hate them. I guess sometimes the universe gives you an insane shove. No idea on what dad is but the coloring on some of the others suggests a rottie. I will be doing a DNA test down the line and don’t worry Mama is being spayed asap.
On to this weeks teaser…
“You must be Warden Ramirez.”
This is the part where I got nervous. Ramirez loved women. Ramirez never shut up about women. Well, he never shut up about anything in general, but he’d go on and on about various conquests and feats of sexual athleticism and—
“A virgin?” Lara blurted. Lara blurted. She turned her head to me, grey eyes several shades paler than they had been, and very wide. “Really, Harry, I’m not sure what to say. Is he a present?”

Oh wow. That’s definitely a magical story! Maverick knew what he was doing I guess! Lol. So sorry for your loss, again, but glad Maverick has found himself some new friends.
Nice teaser too! Still haven’t read this author really, I think I read a short story or two. Hope you enjoy the rest!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
Wow! So many things happening! Can’t wait to see pictures of the pups!
My teaser: http://lifewithnoplot.com/2024/07/02/teasers-top-tens-july-2-2024/
Sometimes, the world works strangely, and sometimes that strange is really fantastic! Glad that there’s some light after the loss. And oh, that teaser is so much fun! Here’s mine from Tag, You’re Dead by Kathryn Foxfield: