Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, the weekly Meme that wants you to add books to your TBR! You can also just share what you are currently reading. We make it very easy to play along, it is as easy as 1, 2, 3!
1: Grab your current read 2: Open to a random page
3: Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.
Ambrosia’s little note:
Happy Teaser Tuesday everyone. Sammie is still obsessed with the ball and always carries it to and from the park now, her new thing. I am pretty sure tomorrow Dean is going to be mad at me. I am taking them to the groomer for the first time. I usually do their baths at home and will keep doing so 90% of the time, but there are certain things I really don’t wanna do and groomers do those things LOL. I figured it is good to get them set up at a groomer and used to going sometimes before it actually needs to be done. I just know Dean is going to be a baby about being dropped off lol.
On to this weeks teaser…
“Her P90, a personal defense weapon that was the bastard child of an assault rifle and a box of Belgian chocolates, was resting on the safety railing, its barrel aimed in the same general direction as where I had been standing and negotiating moments before.”
~ Jim Butcher, Peace Talks

Aww! Hope the first trip goes okay! At least they’re going together! I know as a kid we did that with our two little dogs when they needed grooming!
Nice teaser! I hope you’re enjoying this one! Still don’t think I’ve ever read one of his books but I know I’ve read a short story or two!
Here’s my Tuesday Post
yeah this is the fourth read of it for me…I really enjoy the Dresden files.
Nice teaser this week! I haven’t read any of Jim Butcher’s books, but the teasers make them sound interesting.
My teaser: https://lifewithnoplot.com/2025/02/18/teasers-top-tens-february-18-2025/
Hopefully they get used to the groomer! I’ve been lucky, with the 3 doggies that we’ve had, they’ve all had short hair, so the main grooming that they needed was their nails. And man, that teaser is a bit scary! Here’s mine from Rebel Witch by Kristen Ciccarelli:
yeah they are both short hair so they don’t require grooming beyond baths and nails etc. However, I know they may one day need anal gland expression and having done that before I really don’t wanna do it again so figured get them used to going to the groomer now because that service is included lol.