Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, the weekly Meme that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along:
• Grab your current read
• Open to a random page
• Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
• BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
• Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.
I feel like I had a moment of adult level up yesterday! My poor mail and UPS man were not nearly as excited about this as I was *LOL* imagine a new mattress, 3 sets of sheets, pillows etc. all arriving via post. Then add in a whole slew of supplies for a small business prepping for a huge convention in January. Yeah that was me yesterday, LOL. The bed is like sleeping on the most comfortable cloud ever. Needless to say I have a pile of fur balls sharing as well. Diva didn’t even let me get the sheets on before she tested out the new mattress. Funny note that goes with this, I was feeling slightly silly and yet also very adult by also ordering a mattress protector for my new bed. I mean you should protect your purchase right? And full confession here I eat in bed and yes things get spilled and sometimes a sick or baby fur love or two legger, well you know how it goes. Then I had a moment of fear after it shipped that I had just ordered one of those plastic things that your parents put on the bed when you were little JUST IN CASE for the bed wetting and I was like oh gods…..now I am like an adult baby or something. Blessedly the mattress protector is not one of those LOL it is actually kind of nice and protects against mites and all those other things you don’t want around. So….adult level up? Yeah? Anyways on to the part you are here for..LOL the Teaser.
This week is a long one, because the first is just so funny and because the second I am including is one of my favorite passages in this book, I am re-reading in honor of The Last Kingdom Season 3. Some books need more then one, right?
“You’re a bastard,” I said.
“Uhtred,” he began, but could find nothing more to say.
“You’re a piece of weasel-shit,” I said, “you’re an earsling.”
“I’m a king,” he said, trying to regain his dignity.
“So you’re a royal piece of weasel-shit. An earsling on a throne.”
― Bernard Cornwell, Lords of the North“I am no Christian. These days it does no good to confess that, for the bishops and abbots have too much influence and it is easier to pretend to a faith than to fight angry ideas. I was raised a Christian, but at ten years old, when I was taken into Ragnar’s family, I discovered the old Saxon gods who were also the gods of the Danes and of the Norsemen, and their worship has always made more sense to me than bowing down to a god who belongs to a country so far away that I have met no one who has ever been there. Thor and Odin walked our hills, slept in our valleys, loved our women and drank from our streams, and that makes them seem like neighbours. The other thing I like about our gods is that they are not obsessed with us. They have their own squabbles and love affairs and seem to ignore us much of the time, but the Christian god has nothing better to do than to make rules for us. He makes rules, more rules, prohibitions and commandments, and he needs hundreds of black-robed priests and monks to make sure we obey those laws. He strikes me as a very grumpy god, that one, even though his priests are forever claiming that he loves us. I have never been so stupid as to think that Thor or Odin or Hoder loved me, though I hope at times they have thought me worthy of them.”
― Bernard Cornwell, Lords of the North

Wow! Thanks for sharing, and here’s mine: “GONE SO LONG”
Definite level up. A comfortable mattress is so important.
Also great book choice. 🙂
My teaser this week is from Five Feet Apart by Rachael Lippincott with Mikki Daughtry and Tobias Iaconis.
Great teasers. My book this week is Fool’s Moon by Diane A. S. Stuckart. Happy reading!
Great teasers! Here’s mine
Good teasers and enjoy your new bed, with fur babies!
My teaser is from a book that seemed appropriate for Thanksgiving week, Give to Live, about charitable giving: https://www.rosecityreader.com/2018/11/teaser-tuesday-give-to-live-by-arlene.html
Congrats on the new mattress. We are in need of a new one and I am dreading shopping for it never knowing which one to choose. Happy Thanksgiving.
Here’s my teaser