Alas I have to admit this has been another year where my reading has not gone as well as I planned it too. It has been a year of up and down and while I have read quite a lot I have not really completed most of my challenges. I have not posted as many reviews as I had hoped or wished either.
However, as I said at the out start of this while I wanted to do challenges I knew I would be very busy with some big changes in life and may not complete them. So I have accepted that! With that said I am going to be putting this blog on hiatus until just after New year. With this the first day of December I still have a great deal of work to do for Christmas.
I make most of my gifts by hand and do so with a great deal of love and attention to detail. I started late this year so it means I am behind and taking time out to catch up on my reviews here is just something that can wait. So I shall see my readers of this blog in 2016! I will do my challenge round up then and I will catch up on reviews. As well of course as getting signed up for the 2016 challenges. Yes I do plan on trying again!
I will find balance between work, family life and reading one of these days! I shall!