Musing Monday 12/10/12

Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.


This week’s musing, courtesy of ““, asks…

What was the last book you could not finish and why?


The last book I could not finish was Spying in High Heels by Gemma Halliday . For me the book was just not well written at all. The story did not seem to have a good plot process and the writing over all reminded me of a bad Fan Fic. On the plus side it was a free book from Amazon so at least though I couldn’t finish it I only lost time.


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13 thoughts on “Musing Monday 12/10/12

    1. Yeah it is a lesson I will be learning I am sure as I go along. I have only had my Kindle for a short time. However I have found some GREAT reads in the freebies too.

  1. I agree with you, I’ve found some good books in the freebies. I also read where authors like us to read their free books, and review them. Thanks for the visit today.

  2. I should probably read more books by indie authors, especially since you can pick them up for free pretty frequently. I just have a hard time reading books on my kindle when reading a physical book is an option!

  3. I hate poor writting, although I tried to overlook it most of the time. Sometimes a story can have a great plot but when the writing is too bad, you may get lost… Thanks for stopping by my MM 🙂

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