Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about your tbr pile…
How many books (roughly) are in your tbr pile? Is this in increasing number or does it stay stable? Do you ever experience tbr anxiety in the face of this pile? (question courtesy of Wendy)
Stable? Stable? Nope no way no how. The number always increases. Just when I think I am decreasing it, I order more books. I have roughly, 608 currently in the pile. And it does grow weekly, I would say daily but that’s not accurate it does depend on the week. Sometimes it is daily, sometimes a few a week. I very often do experience anxiety when I look at my pile. I wonder if I will ever read them all. But than I remind myself about the time when I was a child, and I had my worst day ever. That was the day I realized I would never be able to read all the books in the world. I came to terms with that. So maybe I won’t ever read all of my TBR (cause it keeps growing) but it sure will be fun to try.

It’s nice to know we’re all in good company when it comes to our mountrous tbr piles 🙂
wow…I never thought of it like that, that I will never read all the books in the world…I feel a little sad. 😉
whoa…I can’t possibly come up a with a comment for that musing. At least I know I’m with some good company.
Thank you for making me feel better…your TBR is slightly larger than mine 🙂