Musing Monday is hosted over at Should Be Reading.
Musing Monday asks you to muse about one of the following each week…
Musing Monday asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer each week…
I’m currently reading…
Up next I think I’ll read…
I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
I can’t wait to get a copy of…
I wish I could read ___, but…
I blogged about ____ this past week…
There was no random question this week, and I am running late. Yes, it is Wens and I am just posting Musing Monday, so sue me, I was busy doing… Will work stuff (I know, shocking.)
So, I am going to share with you the fact that I finally got a friend of mine hooked on Dresden. I started with her last year when I got hooked trying to get her to listen. “I have to be careful with the books I read for fun, ” she would say. Which I do get it, she works a lot and reads many many documents for work. I get it, I work a lot too, and I find I am being more choosy with my fun reads as well. “V.. seriously you will not regret this.” I told her over and over. I begged her to just try the first book if she didn’t like it, I would never bother her again. I reminded her that the Audio’s of Dresden are FANTASTIC and read by a mutual favorite Actor James Marsters.
I finally gave up for a while, but when I was doing a look for something else I saw the new release of book 13 of Dresden, Ghost story had been re-recorded with Marsters. I jumped for giddy joy and was all a twitter with delight. Why you ask? Ghost story is the one Dresden book that I did not feel a connection with. I know that the reader shouldn’t matter, but after 12 books of hearing the way one person reads the books it completely threw me off. Harry’s voice and tone just did not seem right to me, Toot Toot was weird, Murphy was not supposed to SOUND like that. Now I know the tone of the writing was the same and I did like the basic story of the book. I just didn’t feel connected. Dresden was the first set of books that I listened to on Audio because A) I wanted to crochet but also read and B) James Marsters. The problem, then became for me, how could I only listen to book 13 again? That just seems wrong, you have to get the build up to everything so you can feel properly in the dark place for book 13.
All of this leads me to announce to my friend, “I am going to listen to Dresden again.”, this got her attention. I am not often given to re-reading books (a small handful fall into my re-read pile) let alone re-listen. On that note she announced that she would listen to book 1 with me, just book 1 just to give it a try and she just wanted to listen along with me.
We just completed book 4 and she is all about going on to book 5. Needless to say I got to say I told you so several times. She LOVES Harry Dresden and the cast of characters around him. She LOVES how James Marsters creates Harry and his cast. Check off one Karma point for me because she loves them so much she even says they help on her bad pain days. As someone who also suffers from chronic pain I know how important that one small thing can be.