June Book:
Therefore, I will be honest and I think I have said this before I started reading Harry Potter because my friend harped on me about it. I also started reading it because I love Jason Issacs. And he plays Lucius Malfoy, and I am a weird person who wont watch a movie if I haven’t read the book. Therefore, I began to read Harry Potter. In addition, low and behold as the books have gone on I find myself admitting I like them. Moreover, I say this grudgingly so when you hear me say I like it you know I speak the truth.
Harry Potter and the order of the Phoenix is the best book that I have read from the series. It gets darker and we get closer as always to lord Voldemort but he is always just out of reach. Ah but not to worry Hogwarts has another horrible evil doer to keep us occupied and cheesed off. The ministry of magic gives you there very own evil of Dolores Umbridge.
So simply said, well done J.K Rowling, even if there is one part in which I physically tossed the book across the room. If you have read the book, I think you know which part I am talking about. If not well, I will not ruin it for you. However, truly when I think about it the fact that I was so emotionally involved that I tossed the book means I was attached. This is the mark of a good book.

Great review — I have read the entire series and I have to say that this one is my fave.