As marriage proposals go, Charles Draysmith’s suit is as romantic as the moors in December. Emma Peterson might be only a vicar’s daughter, and the new Marquis of Knightsdale, and perhaps he would rather marry her than endure the marriage mart. But when he suggests how much he’ll enjoy securing an heir, well, a lady can only endure so much.
But the Lady is Passionate
There’s something about a woman throwing pottery at a man that piques his interest. Perhaps his proposal lacks grace, Charles thinks. But it does seem a perfect solution. He acquires a wife; his young charges have the mother they so desperately need, and Emma gains security and position. You see? Simple. Practical. Sensible– oh no, not the ceramic dog…
He will have to confess the truth to calm her down. And the truth is, he’s madly in love…
The Naked Marquis is the second book in Sally Mackenzie’s “Naked” series. And I have to say I enjoyed it. While it was not as outgoing and stomp on you as hard as The Naked Duke it was still very good. Mackenzie so far is showing her tune in taking older “on the shelf” ladies or picks maybe not as usual as heroines for her men. And I like it. Miss Emma Peterson is the daughter of the town Vicar, and Charles Draysmith Marquis of Kensdale is a second son who comes reluctantly into the title when his brother dies suddenly in an accident. Or was it?
Not only do we meet a new cast of loveable characters, we also meet again with our Duke of Alvord James and his wife who is now expecting their first child, and Robbie the Earl of Westbroke. It is positively wonderful to see them again and even more so to follow the Marquis as he tries to win his ladies hand.
While Emma followed Charles around when he was a kid (along with Robbie and James) she is determined not to do so now. It was so bad when she was a child that the other boys nicknamed her Shadow. The story is fun, and also there are some hidden twists and turns. While the villain is again obvious exactly what he is up to is not obvious until much later in the story.
Laughable and just a wonderful bit of fun I guarantee you will find yourself laughing out loud. When the Marquis first asks for Emma’s hand in marriage she throws a ceramic dog at his head. It’s nice to see a lady who fights with her feelings, and really wants nothing more than love. She doesn’t want a title; she doesn’t want to just be any mans broodmare. So come and follow the granddaughter of an Earl the daughter of a Vicar as she is chased by the handsome Naked Marquis I promise you will enjoy it.